DigitalChalk Case Study

Revolutionizing Training with Bricker Insurance Education

DigitalChalk is the perfect platform for running my business. I’ve never regretted the decision to use them for a moment.

Michael Bricker, Owner
Bricker Insurance Education

In a world where industries are continually transforming, ongoing learning and growth have become critical for professionals in various sectors. Under CEO Michael Bricker’s leadership, Bricker Insurance Education identified this need and has been providing training programs to those in the financial services industry for over a quarter-century. Bricker Insurance Education chose the DigitalChalk Learning Management System to effectively and efficiently deliver these courses.

Problems Faced

Before implementing the DigitalChalk LMS, Bricker Insurance Education encountered two significant challenges. They required an effortless way to develop and introduce courses without needing extensive technical expertise or coding proficiency. They also needed an LMS would be intuitive and straightforward for their students.

Finding the Right Solution
Following extensive research and exploration of available LMS platforms, Bricker Insurance Education found DigitalChalk to be a cut above the rest. The decision to choose DigitalChalk was mainly driven by two key factors: ease of course production and user-friendliness.
Why DigitalChalk Stood Out

DigitalChalk’s seamless integration with Bricker Insurance Education’s website allows them to effortlessly upload course materials, such as slides and videos, and launch them quickly. This simplified workflow significantly reduced the time and effort required to bring new courses to their students.

The Impact

The adoption of DigitalChalk has profoundly impacted Bricker Insurance Education’s training business. They have experienced significant time and cost savings by streamlining their course production and delivery processes.

Improved Regulatory Compliance

DigitalChalk’s reporting features have transformed how Bricker Insurance Education manages course completion reports. The LMS enables them to generate daily reports effortlessly, which are then submitted to regulators to ensure compliance with regulatory standards.

The Outcome

The successful utilization of the DigitalChalk LMS has modernized Bricker Insurance Education’s training business. By leveraging the platform’s ease of course production, user-friendliness, and regulatory compliance features, they have established themselves as a leading provider of insurance education.

Top Challenges and Results
  • Regulatory Compliance:
    DigitalChalk’s LMS effortlessly accommodates diverse
    regulatory requirements by offering embedded checkpoints and control features within the courses. These features help Bricker Insurance Education ensure compliance without the need for additional customization or technical support.
  • Embedded Checkpoints:
    DigitalChalk’s embedded checkpoints automatically pause the
    video course at specific intervals to ensure student engagement and comprehension.
  • User-Friendly Experience:
    The DigitalChalk LMS excelled in providing a user-friendly
    learning experience, enabling even the less tech-savvy individuals to navigate the platform with ease.